Friday, December 17, 2010

What is "The One Command"

"What is TOC?" The simple answer: it is a 6 step process, discovered by Asara Lovejoy, that opens your awareness to amazing untapped capacities you have right within you.  It is an invitation to enter into powerful portions of your mind that contain extraordinary abilities.  It brings forth the greatness we all have, that is easily enjoyed, while doing this powerful system of The One Command.

So what are these 6 easy to learn steps? It starts with Grounding ourselves with our body and the earth.   Next we Align ourselves with the energy field around us.   Then we lower our brain wave into the Theta state. We then issue the command which is composed of 3 parts:  
       Part 1 is the beginning of TOC: I don't know how I,   
       Part 2 is what we want. i.e. have $10,000 in the bank.   
       Part 3 is the blessing:  "I only know that I do now and I am fulfilled."

After issuing the command and integrate it into ourselves through visualization, we then expand.  We expand on the greater capacity that we are and lastly we Receive and express gratitude.

These six steps take us to our greatest capacity as earthly beings. Many of you are familiar with "The Secret" and through this movie or book you were introduced to the Law Of Attraction.  The LOA says that "We will attract into our experience that with which we are in vibrational resonance."

Everything in this Universe - even that which appears to be empty space - is Energy. That includes you, me, the chair, and even  (especially) your thoughts and feelings.  You know...atoms, molecules, subatomic particles...that kind of "quantum stuff."   When something vibrates at a certain frequency, it naturally resonates with and ATTRACTS things with the same frequency.   Basically you need to get your vibrations to what it is that you want.
However most of us do not know how to do this.  We have desires and requests but most of us got the same life we had.   So how do we get ourselves to send out the great vibrations that bring us the life we want without hard work.  Why do people seem to fail when it comes to activly dealing with the Law of Attraction.

All of the common methods depend on our beta, logical, problem solving, reality brain to assist us in making the change.   How can you affirm that you have $10,000 in the bank when you only have $100? How can you say you are living in a certain house when you are in an apartment?  Our mind will not allow us to feel like it can be so.  That is the wonder of TOC it bypasses the beta mind.

By saying "I don’t know how" we immediately disengage the Beta brain and allows it to relax. You basically said I am not going to worry about how I have it because I don't have a clue how but I do.  Also our subconscious mind hears "I know how", (it eliminates the don't) because we do, deep down in our consciousness we know how.  "I only know that I do now" allows our mind to know that this is so.   Doing this allows our minds and body to vibrate with the knowledge that we are capable of anything. We are capable of having $10,000 in the bank or the home of our dreams.  While issuing the statement we do not have to be concerned with how it will happen but we know it is so now.

Did God say: Let there be light by doing, this and this and then this and this?  No, He spoke and it was so.  We have been endowed with the ability to ask for and receive our desires.  I will talk more about this in another entry.

Learning and practicing The One Command you will put The Law of Attraction on steriods.
Until Next Time. 

In Gratitude,
Beverly Jones
Inspirational Speaker on Abundance and Prosperity
Leader and Practitioner of The One Command

Search for the one command by asara lovejoy

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